1. Cook the ch'kun in strips until lightly browned.
2. Brown the garlic in a medium sauce pan. Add the whipping cream and bring to a simmer. Add the cheese and the butter and flour. Make it thick enough but not super runny, but thick enough so that it's sort of thick but not too thick because that would be bad, but also, don't be shy! You don't want to make it too runny. So, make it sort of kind of thick but not too thick and not too runny. Got it?
3. Add salt and white pepper to taste.
4. Add the ch'kun and bring the noodies to a boil. Multitask dammit!
5. Slop your mixture over the noodies and bask in your dishes warm glory.
6. Garnish with 1 bottle of Olde New England Eggnog AND a glass of white wine.
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